MBBS, MD (Radiation Oncology), Trained in SBRT, MRI guided RT. Advanced Certificate Course, Tata Medical Center (Kolkata) and IIT Kharagpur, Fellowship in Head and Neck and Gastrointestinal Malignancies, Princess Margaret Cancer Centre, University of Toronto. GOLD fellowship, University of Toronto, Toronto, Canada.
Radiation Oncology Services
Dr. Saheli Saha is an energetic radiation oncologist, practicing her skills by utilizing her knowledge for offering better patient care, involving Basic and Translational Research in Radiation Oncology. She accomplished her Degree of Advanced Certificate Course in Research from Tata Medical Center (Kolkata) and IIT (Kharagpur)
She had undergone a training in SBRT, MRI guided RT and achieved a GOLD Fellowhip at University Of Toronto, Toronto, Canada. As a trainee, she manned the OPD under different disease management groups and carried out conventional and conformal external beam radiotherapy planning, treatment monitoring, and care.
She worked as a clinical and research fellow in Head and Neck Gastrointestinal Malignancies at Princess Margaret Cancer Centre, University of Toronto, Toronto, Canada. She learned and gained experience in Respiratory Motion Management Techniques and Stereotactic Body Radiotherapy. Dr. Saheli Saha has had extensive exposure to Gynecological Brachytherapy, IntraluminalBrachytherapy, Interstitial Brachytherapy, Superficial Soft Tissue Tumors and Surface Mold Brachytherapy.
The Study of Clinical Response and Quality of Life with Endobronchial Brachytherapy PlusExternal Beam Radiotherapy in Inoperable Bronchogenic Carcinoma (2015-2018)
Saheli Saha, S Sriram Prasath, Balakrishnan Arun, Smita Jagadish Kalita, Niranjan Elavarasan, Debashree Guha Adhya, Arnab Sarkar, Moses Arunsingh, Santam Chakraborty, Indranil Mallick. ICON-P - A double-blind evaluation of quality improvements with individualized CONstraints from low-cost knowledge-based radiationtherapy planning in prostate cancer, Technical Innovations & Patient Support in Radiation Oncology,Volume 26, 2023,100206
Chakraborty, Santam, Tapesh Bhattacharyya, Rimpa B. Achari, Indranil Mallick, Sanjoy Chatterjee, Moses Arunsingh, Love Goyal, et al. 2022.“Impact of COVID-19 on Quality of Care Indicators in Patients of Carcinoma Cervix Treated with Definitive Radiotherapy: A Cross-sectional Study.” OSFPreprints. October 9. doi:10.31219/osf.io/nz5s3.
Rimpa Basu Achari, Santam Chakraborty, Love Goyal, SaheliSaha, ParomitaRoy, LateefZameer, Deepak Mishra, Mayur Parihar, Anirban Das, AditiChandra, BivasBiswas, IndranilMallick, Moses A. Arunsingh, Sanjoy Chatterjee,and Tapesh Bhattacharyya. Evaluating Quality Indicators of Glioblastoma Care: Audit Results From anIndian Tertiary Care Cancer Center JCO Global Oncology 2022:8
Bhattacharyya Tapesh, Arunsingh Moses, Chakraborty Santam, Harilal Vishnu, Sasidharan Rohit, Saha Saheli, Thambudorai Robin, Roy Bipradas, Banerjee Sudeep, Roy Paromita, Ray Soumendranath, Mallick Indranil (2021) Can the CROSS protocol be safely implemented in real world scenario with broader eligibility criteria? Experience from a tertiary care centre in Indiaecancer 15 1291
Mallick I, Saha S, Arunsingh MA.A Web-based Dose-volume Histogram Dashboard for Library-based Individualized Dose-constraints and Clinical Plan Evaluation. J Med Syst. 2021 Apr 26;45(6):62. doi: 10.1007/s10916-021-01740-9. PMID: 33903983.
Mallick, I, Chakraborty, S., Baral, S., Saha, S., Lal, V.H., Sasidharan, R.,Santosham, R., Chhatbar, S., Bhusal, S., Goyal, L., Maulik, S., Phesao, V.,Arora, S., Bhattacharyya, T., Mahata, A., Prasath, S., Balakrishnan, A.,Mandal, S., Arunsingh, M., Achari, R., & Chatterjee, S. Prioritizing Delivery of Cancer Treatment During a COVID-19 Lockdown: The Experience of a Clinical Oncology Service in India. JCO Global Oncology.doi:10.1200/GO.20.00433 JCO Global Oncology no. 7 (2021) 99-107
Koladiya J, Parikh A, Anand M, Saha S, et al. A Retrospective Study of Definitive Radiotherapy in Locally Advanced Carcinoma of Uterine Cervix Treated Initially with Hypofractionation: A G.C.R.I Experience. Gujarat Cancer Society Research Journal 2018
K.P A.P, Parikh A, Suryanarayana U, Agrawal P, Saha S, Koladiya J. A case report on spindle cell sarcoma of vagina.Paripex-Indian Journal of Research 2018; Volume: 7(Issue: 4)
Saha S, Dhal S, Mehta M, Parikh A. Acral Metastasis from Carcinoma Lung Presenting as Pathological Fracture of Index Finger: A Case Report. GCSMC J Med Sci July- December 2017; Vol (VI) (No (II))
Saha S, Goyal S, Harjani RH, Patel PN, Suryanarayana U. Malignant Peripheral Nerve Sheath Tumour of Buccal Mucosa with Acute Myeloid Leukemia: A Case Report. International Journal of Scientific Research November - 2017; Volume: VI (Issue: XI)
Bhattacharya J, Vyas RK, Saha S, Suryanarayan S, Parikh A, Palgade S. etal. High Dose Rate Endobronchial Brachytherapy: Our Institutional Experience as an Effective Palliative Treatment Modality in Bronchial Carcinoma. International Journal of Cancer Research & Therapy. July2017; Volume 2(Issue 2)
K.P A.P, Harjani RH, Suryanarayan U, Agrawal P, Saha S, Koladiya J. ACase Report of Cutaneous Metastasis in Carcinoma Hypopharynx.Paripex-Indian Journal of Research 2017; Volume-6 (Issue-11)
Koladiya J, Anand M, Saha S, Poddar J, Parikh A, Patel S. et al.Synchronous Primary Neoplasm in Uterus and Cervix: A Rare Case Report. Paripex-Indian Journal of Research August - 2017; Volume: 6(Issue: 8)
Are Oral Cancers Effectively Palliated With Radiotherapy? Outcomes Of treatment with a modified QUAD SHOT regimen
Adjuvant radiation therapy nodal target volumes in oral cancer: doconsensus guidelines reflect patterns of failure?
Saha S, Mallick I, Chatterjee S.
ASTRO 2021. Abstract id: 45864
A dynamically updating individualized survival prediction modelling toolfor oral cancer.
Mallick I, Saha S, Chatterjee S
ESTRO 2021. Abstract number: E21-1358
A multiparameter model for prediction of pathological nodal status inclinically early stage oral cancer using machine learning.
Mallick I, Saha S, Chatterjee S, Roy P.
ASCO 2021.doi: DOI: 10.1200/JCO.2021.39.15_suppl.e18025 Journal ofClinical Oncology 39, no. 15_suppl
Quality indicators for glioblastoma treatment: An audit from a tertiary care cancer center in India.
Goyal L, Chakraborty S, Saha S, Roy P, Zameer L, Mishra D, Chandra A,Arunsingh MA, Chatterjee S, Mallick I, Bhattacharyya T, Biswas B, Basu R.ASCO 2021. doi: 0.1200/JCO.2021.39.15_suppl.e18659 Journal ofClinical Oncology 39, no. 15_suppl
Management of advanced non-small cell lung cancer patients harbouring ROS1 rearrangement- Experience from a tertiary cancer centre in EasternIndia.
Saha S, Santosham R, Arunsingh MA, Bhattacharyya T, Biswas B, Dabkara D
TTLC 2021
Predicting doses to organs-at-risk in prostate cancer intensity modulatedradiotherapy.
Mallick I, Saha S, Arunsingh MA, Sarkar A, Adhya DG, Basu R
Presentation Number: PO-1575. doi: 10.3252/pso.eu.ESTRO2020
Brachytherapy with PersonalisedMould Following External Beam
Radiotherapy in Squamous Cell Carcinoma of External Auditory Canal: ACase Report.
Saha S, Patel P, Bhattacharya J, Suryanarayan U, Vyas RK
IBS Brachytherapy Workshop, Ahmedabad, 2016
Add-Aspirin: A Phase III, double blind, placebo-controlled, randomized trial assessing the effects of aspirin on disease recurrence and survival after primary therapy in common non-metastatic solid tumours. (AddAspirin Study)
MO39196: A Phase III, Multicenter, Randomised, Double-Blind, Placebo-Controlled Study of Atezolizumab (Anti−PD-L1 Antibody) in Combination with Paclitaxel Compared with Placebo with Paclitaxel for Patients withPreviously Untreated Inoperable Locally Advanced or Metastatic Triple Negative Breast Cancer
PRIME Trial: Randomised controlled trial of Prostate Radiotherapy In highrisk and node positive disease comparing Moderate and Extremehypofractionation.
HYPORT-Adjuvant: HYPO fractionated Radiation Therapy comparing astandard radiotherapy schedule (over three weeks) with a novel one weekschedule in Adjuvant breast cancer: An open label randomised controlledstudy
ICON-P: Individualized CONstraints for Radiation Therapy Planning in Prostate Cancer (as Co-Primary Investigator)
4th YROC, Rajkot, 2016
IBS workshop, Ahmedabad, 2016
AROI Gujarat Chapter Workshop, 2016
23rd ICRO, Pune, 2016
9th Biennial Conference on Hyperthermia, Ahmedabad, 2017
25th ICRO, Dehradun, 2017